Babies not crawling often make parents worried about their child's growth and development. Naturally, because crawling is indeed one of the stages of child development. However, is this really a cause for concern? Babies usually start crawling at the age of 8-12 months. However, some babies may skip the crawling stage. In general, they are actually more able to sit and suck, or even can stand up straight then walk with help, until finally able to walk on their own. Non-crawling Effects on the Baby's Learning Process Aside from being a stage of learning to walk, crawling also has several other benefits for baby's growth and development, such as strengthening muscles, stimulating the ability to see, and training the baby's ability to recognize the surrounding environment and various emotions. Even so, some babies may not go through the process of crawling like babies in general. If Little is like this, calm down first, Bun! This condition can not be interpreted dir...