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Keeping Sneezing Can Be Harmful

Hold sneezing is sometimes done when in a crowd. When you are alone, you can be free to sneeze when you feel something strange on the nose. What if the desire to sneeze occurs when with important people and supported by a quiet atmosphere? Aren't you trying to hold it in honor of the people around you? And who would have thought that holding back sneezing was not good for health. Check out the causes of sneezing and the following consequences.

What Makes You Sneeze?

When there is something disturbing in the nasal cavity, then you will sneeze. Yes, this method is indeed used by the body to remove things that interfere with the nose. Scientifically, sneezing starts from the nervous system that has a way of working with everyone. But the signals traveling by each human's nerves are different, resulting in a different sneezing story for each person. So when something is disturbing the nose, a message will be sent to the part of the brain where the sneezing center is located. Then the sneezing center will send messages to certain muscles, including chest muscles, abdominal muscles, diaphragms, muscles that control the vocal cords, back throat muscles, and eyelid muscles. These muscles work together to issue a source of interference until the 'hachiiimm' sound comes out. The following are the factors that make you sneeze.
  • Allergy. Sneezing due to allergies is caused by lice, mites, or animal dander, and dust.
  • Cold. Sneezing is one of the first signs that you have a cold.
  • Plucking eyebrows. Pulling out eyebrow hair can trigger nerves in the face, resulting in a sneezing reaction.
  • Exercise. When you exercise, you will breathe excessively (hyperventilation). As a result, the nose and mouth will start to dry out. This makes the nose more sensitive.
  • Inhaling pepper or chili. When inhaling the pepper or chili, we will sneeze immediately. That happened for two reasons. The first is when the pepper or chili is finely ground. The shape that resembles dust or small particles can fly in the air and easily stimulate nerve cells in the nose and trigger sneezing by force. Secondly, pepper and chili contain piperin, a chemical compound that produces spicy flavor in plants. Piperin can irritate your nose and cause you to sneeze.
  • Having sex. When enjoying sex, orgasm, and ending it, some people can experience sneezing.
  • Sunlight. One in three people will sneeze when exposed to sunlight. The term for this circle is photics. If you sneeze when stung by the sun, the people you can blame are parents because photics are hereditary.

Danger Keeping Sneezing

Maybe there are some of us who feel uncomfortable to sneeze for fear of disturbing the people around or because we know that sneezing can spread germs. With one sneeze, we can spread 100 thousand germs into the air at a speed of 160 km per hour. But on the other hand, holding a sneeze is not the right choice. According to research, holding back sneezing can be bad for health.
  • Blood vessels in the whites of the eyes will rupture. This can cause bruising on the whites of the eyes around the iris.
  • You run the risk of hearing loss or vertigo because air pressure entering the ear can break the eardrum or cause injury to the inside of the ear.
  • Injury to the diaphragm.
However, the consequences that can occur due to hold sneeze tend to occur rarely. But for health reasons, you should not hold sneezing, and when sneezing, cover your nose and mouth. In essence, sneezing is a natural thing and indeed needs to be done by your body. Sneezing can keep the body healthy because this activity is an important part of the immune process. If you sneeze, then you will clean your nose from bacteria and viruses. So when there are signs that you want to sneeze, provide tissue immediately and take it off naturally. No need to be embarrassed because everyone must have sneezed. Use a handkerchief or tissue to cover your mouth, while muting the sound. If you feel bad about taking out 'hachiiimm', you can immediately take a thousand steps to avoid sneezing in front of many people.


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